Eden Arboriculture ltd
Tree Root Damage Investigation

At Eden we understand that trees growing close to buildings can be of great concern to the owners of those properties. To assist our potential client the below information is given as a brief guide on the ways in which trees may cause damage.

Direct Damage:

Direct damage to structures is caused by the increase in the size of the tree and the pressure that is produced as a result on that increase. This may in some instances be caused by direct contact of the above ground parts of the tree with an adjacent structure. For example, damage caused to gutters and downpipes by direct contact from branches.
More often direct damage is caused by the incremental increase of roots and the pressure they exert on lightly loaded structures such as drives, paths and walls. This type of damage is more common in close proximity to the tree where the roots are thicker and the pressure exerted is greater. Due to the sheer weight involved resisting the pressure from root size increase, this type of damage is extremely rare in larger structures such a main house although it can happen in extreme circumstances.

Indirect Damage:

Indirect damage is more commonly known as subsidence or heave and in contrast to direct damage can be a very real risk to larger structures such as houses. Trees are the most common cause of subsidence and can be a particular problem in older buildings which may have shallower foundations than their modern equivalents. At Eden we can provide you with assistance in determining whether subsidence is tree related or not.Direct damage to structures is caused by the increase in the size of the tree and the pressure that is produced as a result on that increase. This may in some instances be caused by direct contact of the above ground parts of the tree with an adjacent structure. For example, damage caused to gutters and downpipes by direct contact from branches.
We are able to analyse detailed laboratory reports provided by those attempting to seek compensation from you for damage that your tree is alleged to have caused, and give you an indication on whether your trees are considered to be the cause or not. We are also able to arrange for a detailed subsidence assessment to determine whether damage to your building is as a result of trees either within your property or on adjacent lands.

Call us today for a free no obligation discussion and we will do our best to assist.