Welcome to Eden Arboriculture LTD
Professional Tree Consultancy
We offer a range of innovative, solution based services to our customers.
Why use us?
Insured to £1m professional indemnity
Attention to detail
Professional but friendly approach
Easy to understand tree reports – jargon free.

Who We Are

Our Approach

Areas we cover
Tree surveys for planning approval in accordance with BS5837:2012 (Development sites)
Homebuyer’s tree report for mortgage and insurance approval (carried out in accordance with AMIUG guidance)
Securing a mortgage or insurance can be tricky. Make it easier by asking us to compile your tree report.
Tree risk assessment and management survey
You have a legal obligation to maintain your trees and minimise potential risk. Eden Arboriculture can help you by carrying out a detailed survey.
Protected tree advice and representation for trees subject to tree preservation orders or those located with conservation areas
Eden Arboriculture can assist you in providing the correct information for a tree works application to gain consent, in some instances even if you have been refused consent previously.
Veteran tree inspection, assessment, and management report
Ancient and veteran trees are very important for their conservation value and cultural links. Eden can provide you with detailed expert advice to ensure these rare specimens are given the best chance to continue their journey.
Tree related structural damage reports (including root damage)
Trees may cause damage to buildings in one of two ways, by direct or indirect means. Direct being as a result of contact, and indirect more commonly known as subsidence.