Eden Arboriculture ltd
Planning Tree Reports (BS5837:2012)

Local planning authorities are duty bound to consider the protection of trees with any planning application. This means that developers must satisfy the requirements of BS5837:2012 in order to go forward with their project.
The purpose of BS5837:2012 is to determine the potential impact of a development on important trees in the area. This makes gathering the right information crucial, and the help of a knowledgeable and experienced arboricultural consultant vital.
Eden Arboriculture has both these qualities and more besides. We pride ourselves on the level of detail we are able to provide to our clients. We take further pride in our open manner, and are happy to offer advice and the benefits of our experience.
We have no hidden costs, are happy to give follow up advice. Our reports are professionally written with an emphasis on readability, and a refreshing lack of jargon.